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Great post on gold and silver coins. We will include some of your writing and link into our newsletter to our gold coin collector forum newsletter and social website.

Flour Mill

These Titans are giant killers; they slayed the Cal State Northridge Matadors, whose star player went by the name of Chitwood (a la Hoosiers fame). That isn't the only Hollywood connection;


Most of the arguments and ideas that are new to the audience would then be coming from the anti-consensus side, so more

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who cares,I love my lady but Absmad needs to do better than this there’s not even a story along with the picture,I like the picture tho….you go girl swing another deal….I THINK?

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Speaking of Kent State and the Golden flashes... even if you don't win gold in your tournament bracket pool remember to keep Monex in mind when it comes to real gold..

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