This is a work in progress bear with me as I edit it...
January time for reflectiomns past year look forward new Y
Kobe’s Beef: Kobe will stop whining about a trade a
Pete Carroll’s Cardinal sin: He won;t loose to unranked team and stay put and noy bolt for the Chargers, skins or flacons
Tim Flyod: 0-3 left Usc comfortably numb.... only standford has come back
UCLA hoops: 3 final fanl ...
rick New heisel: nbot even how tempting in might be to fill out a basketball bracket
OJ Mayo: Hold the OJ... th efrosh has to stop chucking the ball.
Jessica Simpson: avoid attending her romeo’s , romo’s games.
OJ Simpson:
tori Hunter: has to make headlines more than the other Joe
Joe Torre: no ordinary Joe... it is not often a guy who went to the playoof sna comes to you team
David Beckham
Ducks - sitting ducks the ex-champs will have a tough time trying to repeat aschamps they current sit 7th in the western conference standings ... resolution they have get their ducks lined up in a row as they have failed Resolution: Win
LA Kings: more like serfs as so they should rename theire team the surfs... get it
mayor : fumbles
football la Resolution: get at least one NFL franchis in La by 2012
stadium deal: colassal misatake
Katie Holmes: she crusin... First she ran the nyc marathon... now it was just annopunced she’‘l be tackling heart break hill (no were not reffring to her haplass ma) comne April as she run ins the Boston marathon
Resolution: next ironman (not the movie - her hubbie passed on that) but an ironman triathon
Norv Turner Chargers: LT
reggie Bush: upcoming book
the only trophy you is Kim Kardashin (he booty is better than Joh booty)