Whether it involes American Idol or fallen idols (Michelle Kwan and Bode Miller) it appears the Olympics are getting less and less popular with the American
In order to revive the Winter Games and to help NBC out of their rating nosedive THE WADE BLOGS devised the following plan that would grab a hold of the public consciousness here in the US as well as around the world.We believe the 2014 XXII Winter Olympiad (the 2010 Games have already been awarded to Vancouver) should be hosted and held on the ice planet made famous in Star Wars Episode V, Hoth.

Join our alliance in our bid to have the icy site of Episode V host the XXII Winter Olympics. A mascot has yet to be decided (we are partial to an intestine-trailing Tauntaun named "Gutsy" or a one-armed Wampa dubbed "Lefty") and the Hoth events still need to be finalized (please leave your ideas below) but one thing for certain is that the games will be out of this world.

NOTE: For more SW fun check out the SW sports quiz I did for ESPN Sportsnation & Page 3 last year.
how about these for events
Cu PA Hurling (Curling)
Solo ActionFigure Skating
Speederbike Slalom
Bob (Duck) "Princess" Leia
Snowballing With Jetpacks
Posted by: Wayne | 03/01/2006 at 11:44 AM
Forget about tractor pulling, How AT-AT pulling?!
Posted by: dashmaul | 03/01/2006 at 02:36 PM
You've gotta have a Taun-Taun race... but don't hold it beyond the first marker after sundown.
Posted by: Rob | 03/01/2006 at 03:13 PM
How the 2-Man probe shooting?
Posted by: Chris | 03/01/2006 at 08:53 PM
Excuse me, that should read "How about the 2-Man probe shooting?" Went to far past the first marker last night.
Posted by: Chris | 03/01/2006 at 08:54 PM
Suggestions for events? How about the Walker icy rope climb? Or team snow-cannon shooting?
Posted by: Jacquelle | 03/02/2006 at 12:32 PM
How about Imperial Walker wrangling? Long-distance generator destroying? Ion Cannon shooting?
Posted by: ted | 03/04/2006 at 03:10 PM
- Biathlon, composed of Tauntaun riding and shooting Probe Droids
- Snowspeeder downhill racing
- Snowspeeder slalom racing (around AT-AT legs, bonus points if you manage to get the cable detached)
- Snowboarding on probe droid debris (held after the Biathlon)
- Ice desert marathon; cut-up Tauntauns every 10 kilometers
Posted by: Taleweaver | 03/05/2006 at 03:57 AM
How about Cross Country AT-ST racing?
Posted by: Kal | 03/05/2006 at 12:08 PM
Just letting you know I think this is hilarious, and I'm gonna link to HOTH2014.com.
Great idea, dude.
Posted by: Obi-Wan | 03/06/2006 at 07:40 AM
The Hoth Halllucination Challenge. Stick a wounded man in sub-zero temperatures and see if he can guess the correct system to visit.
Posted by: Johnny Quest | 03/06/2006 at 07:50 AM
Probe Droid Skeet shooting
to make it more interesting, have the droids shoot back
Posted by: Korafa | 03/09/2006 at 10:36 AM
You should partner with Reality Shows
- Admiral Survivor!
- Fear Factor Tauntaun guts eating challenge
- The Amazing Base Evacuation Race
- Bounty Hunter Idol
- The Real Asteroid
- Extreme Makeover: Corellian Freighter Edition
Posted by: Jedi Kevin | 03/09/2006 at 02:49 PM
Don't forget...
* Slave Girl Ice Dancing
* Jet Pack Ski Jump
* Infantry Trench Snowboard Half-Pipe
* Downhill AT-ST Slalom
* Mouse Droid Ice Hockey
Posted by: Mark | 03/09/2006 at 05:28 PM
SO, to totally geek out in an uneeded way, there is a version of the olympics in the star wars universe! Jedi Quest #3, The Dangerous Games. I know, it's just a kid's book, but it does have some good ideas. What about a bobsled run that goes inside a wampa cave? a little like the matterhorn roller coaster from disneyland/world?
Posted by: roccermom | 03/10/2006 at 09:05 AM
How about archery type events, but with tow cables, dish turrets etc...
Posted by: Mike | 03/12/2006 at 03:38 PM
Lightsaber pull, like a reverse hammer toss? (Thanks to a pal for that one.) Also live-fire bobsled runs through that icy trench. How about probe droid curling? They look like stones, eh?
Posted by: Kurt | 03/14/2006 at 09:41 PM
Apologies if this has been suggested already, but Jedi Curling - where competitors use only their Jedi 'mind control' powers.
Freestyle shieldboarding and archery, where contestants have to use a shielsd as a 'snowboard' to travel across downhill obstacles whilst firig arrows at Orcs... oh, hang on, sorry, that's one of the 'demonstration' events for the 2020 Mordor Summer games.
Posted by: Paul Bines | 03/15/2006 at 03:41 PM
I have two requests.
1.The music of opening/closing ceremony would be performed by John Williams.
2.The medals for athletes would be designed same as the medals which appear in the last scene of EP4.
Posted by: zengame | 03/16/2006 at 01:52 AM
Hoth 2014 events idea.
Ice Hockey using thermal detonators instead of pucks.
OK, we'd go though athletes at a ferocious rate but we can easily form teams from all the rejects from Survivor and American Idol. Let's face it - if they're THAT desperate to appear on TV - THEY'LL sign up for anything !!
Besides events with lots of explosions are always a ratings winner. ( And flying body parts )
Posted by: Steelwolf | 03/18/2006 at 03:21 AM
make it happen...
Posted by: trekster | 03/20/2006 at 02:52 AM
You Americans and your dumb ideas. Hoth Olympics??? Are you mental? First you decide to bomb Iraq and now this!? Skiing isn't popular in the States anymore because the Croats are kicking ass and you only like watching your American athletes win. The only good thing that ever came from America is STAR WARS. Please don't keep ruining the franchise with your dumb ideas. Go see Team America! That'll show you what the world thinks of you.
Posted by: Lord Damnum | 03/20/2006 at 08:40 AM
What about adding Collapsing Underground Base Maze Escape?
Or maybe for strength contests, Shield Door Opening or Trench digging.
Maybe there could be a flight suit fashion show?
Maybe Droid Reprogramming. Personally I'd like to see R2 with KITT's voice.
And of course, we'd have to have Fencing (either saber battles or shield generator installation)
Imperial AT-AT Speed Walking
AT-ST long jump
Ice Base Escape Hurdles
Posted by: Happy Horus | 03/22/2006 at 10:55 AM
Game where two opposing teams (presumably Rebels and Imperials) of 11-22 players are playing on a snow field criss-crossed with trenches and trying to place/throw a thermal detonator (or any explosive) in opponent's bunker on the opposite sides of the field.
Posted by: moff_Sammael | 04/06/2006 at 09:33 AM
I suggest: AT-AT ice skating
contestants have to pilot an AT-AT around a 4000 meter oval track for 20 laps, fastest time wins!
Posted by: Mark | 04/27/2006 at 05:50 PM